Club Rules

A. Registration and Membership

  1. The Club will operate with a maximum of 16 teams and a limit of 20 players per team.
  2. Registration will close when 18 players for each team have been accepted. All further applicants will be placed on a waiting list in numerical order.
  3. A player must provide two current passport size photographs for the Player Registration Book that must be produced upon request at any game played under the jurisdiction of B.M.R.S.C.


B. Rules of the Game

All regular soccer rules will be observed, with the following exceptions

  1. Substitutions are allowed at any stoppage in play, upon notification of the referee.
  2. In the event of an injury, play will stop immediately regardless of who has possession of the ball.
  3. All games should start on time. In the event of an organized game in progress preventing start of the game, the Captain or Team Representative should attempt to solve the problem in a satisfactory manner. No other player is allowed to be involved in this situation. Disciplinary action may be taken for violation of this rule. Any delay in starting of over 15 minutes due to other games in progress should be reported to the Executive.
  4. A team must have 7 players to start the game. If one team has less than 11 eleven players, the other team is allowed to play with a full squad of 11 players.
  5. If a team is aware that they will be short players in advance of a scheduled game, they may forfeit the game by notifying the league at least 48 hours in advance (e-mail ). The result for that game will be a loss for the forfeiting team, 3 – 0.
  6. A team that forfeits a game less than 48 hours in advance, or abandons a game that has started or is about to start, will be subject to disciplinary action and/or a $100 fine.
  7. To provide equal playing time, players will be subbed or moved to different positions at the discretion of the team Captain or Assistant.


C. Disciplinary Procedure

The league follows the OSA policies for Discipline,

(Note: Under “Operational Procedures by Section”, select Section 12.0 Discipline) with the following exceptions:

  • -Any player dismissed for referee assault is automatically suspended until the hearing. If found guilty then dismissed from the league for life.
  • Teams involved in a brawl will be required to attend a hearing (Captains and Assistant Captains), where potential disciplinary action against those teams, may be taken by the executive
  • 2 Reds in the same season is a dismissal from league play for the remainder of the season. The following year that player’s registration will have to be voted on by the executive as to whether they are allowed to play
  • Slide tackles are not allowed. When a slide tackle occurs a Direct Free Kick will be awarded and the offending player will be issued a yellow card.
  • All suspensions are to be served on scheduled played games.
  • All cases are dealt with by a Discipline by Review (DBR) unless the Executive decides that a Hearing needs to be held, or a player requests a Hearing.
  • Players can request a hearing prior to the DBR, provided they send a request via email to the league ( or by phone 905-330-8615 within 48 hours of the game and then the Hearing Fee (non–refundable) of $150.00 (Cash only) within 72 hours of the game to the league as well. The case then will go to a Hearing. If these 2 conditions are not met, then the case is dealt with by the DBR, and there is no appeal.
  • Notwithstanding the OSA policies, the Discipline Committee can impose stricter penalties for dismissals, up to an including complete dismissal from the club for life
  • Decisions by Hearing are appealed to PHSA.


D. Team Captain Duties

  1. Team Captain to appoint an Assistant Captain to ease your burden or you may appoint a Playing Coach. The name/s of the Assistant Captain/Playing Coach shall be provided to the Executive.
  2. Instruct all new players in the basic rules and regulations, i.e. Kick off, throw- ins, offside, foul moves, etc.
  3. Communications between players, Referees and Executive where required.
  4. Contact members who do not show up for games and obtain reasons. Notify executive of any player who cancels out either temporarily or permanently and obtain a replacement.
  5. Ensure all team members get equal playing time, irrespective of their ability, usual positions played and status of game.
  6. Inform all players of the penalty for misconduct, rough play or adduce.
  7. Make sure referees have guidelines.
  8. Ensure equipment is available and on time for the game.
  9. Control actions of players before, during and after the game. Give assistance to the Referees to help control actual game, if required. First game must finish by 8:35 pm.
  10. In the event of an organized game in proffers at your start time, discuss with the Team Coaches on the sidelines and obtain a finishing time. Then inform your team of the revised starting time and ensure that the executive is made aware of this to claim a retail credit.
  11. Contact team members in the event of game cancellations, field conditions, extra games, practices and other events.
  12. Ensure all players are registered. Captains found to be playing unregistered players will be disciplined.
  13. Submit field complaints as required to the Executive the next day.


E. Selection of Teams and Balancing

The Executive Committee reserves the right to balance the teams in the league by moving players on to another team to help balance the teams.


F. Schedules

A schedule will be drawn up by the Executive Committee ensuring that team will play the most varied number of other teams during the season. A copy of the schedule will be supplied to all the Executive Committee, Captains and Club members.

G. Equipment

  1. The individual may wear any soccer footwear he so wishes; however if it is not flat soled it may only have rubber studs on then.
  2. It is mandatory in this league that all players (members) have and wear the proper shin guards for protection.
  3. Players will be assigned a team shirt with a number that will go on the game sheet at the beginning of the season. That shirt belongs to one player only. If the shirt is given to another player, then those two players and the team captain will be disciplined.
  4. The team will also get a soccer ball, goal net and a kit bag.


J. Field Maintenance

The Parks and Recreation Department will be responsible for the lining and maintenance of the field. In the event of inclement weather or field closure, the Parks and Recreation Department shall contact the President or Vice-President at the earliest possible time. The President will in turn contact the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Referee Convener. These individuals will in turn, contact the Team Captains (list to be distributed by the Secretary). Each Team Captain will, with the aid of his assistants contact all members of his team. Whilst every attempt will be made to follow the procedure, no responsibility will be accepted by any of the Executive to ensure contact is made.


K. Alcohol Policy

Consuming Alcohol on City of Brampton or School property is prohibited


L. Conflict of Interest and Standards of Conduct

The Club shall adhere to the Conflict of Interest Statement / Policy as published and approved by The OSA.

The Conflict of Interest Statement / Policy shall apply to all employees, directors, officers, volunteers, coaches, game officials, administrators, players, Members and registrants of the Club.

The Club shall make available to any Member the Harassment Policy when requested.

M. Harassment Policy

The Club shall adhere to the Harassment Policy as published and approved by The OSA.

N. Peel Outdoor Smoking By-law

As of September 2, 2013, the Peel Outdoor Smoking By-law makes it against the law for anyone to smoke within nine meters (30ft) of perimeter of municipal playground, sports / activity areas which includes all sports fields, spectator seating areas and player warm-up areas.


BMRSC Specific Rules


  1. In keeping with the recreational foundation of the club, the club will not accept registrations from soccer players registered in the League1, CPL, or OSL leagues. Players and teams found to be violating this rule will be subject to penalties, up to and including dismissal from the league, without recompense.
  2. INDIVDUALS WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY IN BMRSC GAMES. It is the responsibility of the team captain to ensure that this rule is followed, regardless of whether he is present at a game or not. Failure to follow this rule will result in disciplinary action against the captain and the team, up to and including suspension from the league.
  3. Only BMRSC shirts will be allowed on the field.  A similar colour jersey will not be allowed.
  4. Players will be assigned a team shirt with a number that will go on the game sheet at the beginning of the season.  That shirt belongs to one player only.  If the shirt is given to another player, then those two players and the team captain will be disciplined.
  5. Game sheets are to be signed by each player at the field prior to the start of each game. Game sheets should not be signed in advance.
  6. Players must arrive at the field and sign the game sheet prior to the start of the second half to be eligible to play in that game
  7. Captains shall remind players to have player cards or photo ID available at all games.
  8. Team captains and assistant captains have the right to request to review photo ID of any player or players on the opposing team. Such requests should be made prior to the start of the game, so as not to disrupt the flow of the game. However, team captains and assistant captains have the right to make such a request during the half-time break as well, but not after the beginning of the second half. Captains and teams found, on the balance of the evidence, to be playing non-registered players, will be disciplined accordingly.
  9. Members of the BMRSC Board of Directors may conduct spot checks at any game to ensure that teams are following the rules.
  10. Officially, only registered players and registered coaches for the teams that are playing, game officials, BMRSC Board members, and past BMRSC Board members are allowed on the player bench side of the field. Game officials may request all others to move to the other side of the field. If game officials make this request, the captains and assistant captains should ensure that spectators and others present at their bench move to the other side of the field.
  11. A team must have 7 players to start the game. If one team has less than 11 eleven players, the other team is allowed to play with a full squad of 11 players.
  12. If a team is aware that they will be short players in advance of a scheduled game, they may forfeit the game by notifying the league at least 48 hours in advance (call 905-330-8615 and e-mail The result for that game will be a loss for the forfeiting team, recorded score 3 – 0.
  13. A team that forfeits a game less than 48 hours in advance, or abandons a game that has started or is about to start, will be subject to disciplinary action and/or a $100 fine.
  14. All games should start on time. In the event of an organized game in progress preventing start of the game, the Captain or Team Representative should attempt to solve the problem in a satisfactory manner. No other player is allowed to be involved in this situation. Disciplinary action may be taken for violation of this rule. Any delay in starting of over 15 minutes due to other games in progress should be reported to the Board of Directors.
  15. The first game will finish no later than 8:35 p.m. and the second game starts at 8:40 p.m.
  16. Slide tackles are not allowed. When a slide tackle occurs a Direct Free Kick will be awarded and the offending player will be issued a yellow card.
  17. Substitutions are allowed at any stoppage in play
  18. To provide equal playing time, players will be subbed or moved to different positions at the discretion of the team Captain or Assistant.
  19.  In the event of an injury, play will stop immediately regardless of who has possession of the ball.
  20.  Discipline rules and applicable fines are posted on the website.
  21.  A player who receives two red cards during the season will be dismissed for the rest of the season and potentially for the next season as well.